It's alleged that the former IBM employee of 23 years, Chuck Rieger came rolling into Solano County after Innovation Institute, LLC expressed concerns about IBM’s unfair competitive practices. IBM and Innovation Institute, LLC are both very active in filing patent applications with diverse uses including needed innovations for nuclear safety.
It coincidentally happens that allegations show both IBM and Solano Center for Business Innovation compete against Solano County’s Innovation Institute. All three share common goals and future markets. Unfortunately Solano Center for Business Innovation and its friends (government and business) are taking time and energy from Innovation Institute nuclear safety patent application development. Innovation Institute did not wish to reveal further details because Innovation needs to maintain good relations with other sectors of local and national government, and “everyone knows each other”.
Innovation Institute nuclear safety inventions are indirectly related to the center of nuclear power plants. Their inventions would not touch radioactive material. Had there been fewer road blocks Innovation Institute's unique tests on people making important nuclear safety decisions might have averted past nuclear accidents. Innovation Institute's improved skill training, and tests on IQ, dexterity and ethics might have helped weed out power plant applicants who chose not to increase ocean side plant's tsunami wall heights, or have extra power sources protected from surging waves.
Innovation Institute's goal is to brainstorm nuclear safety issues to come towards better needed innovation. With plenty of closed doors, getting to first base is a big challenge. The founder of Innovation Institute lived and worked near both the Fukushima Daiichi, and Chernobyl nuclear power plants.
Check out the blog from the nuclear safety innovation division of Innovation Institute. Paste the below link in your web browser:
Innovation Institute's goal is to brainstorm nuclear safety issues to come towards better needed innovation. With plenty of closed doors, getting to first base is a big challenge. The founder of Innovation Institute lived and worked near both the Fukushima Daiichi, and Chernobyl nuclear power plants.
Check out the blog from the nuclear safety innovation division of Innovation Institute. Paste the below link in your web browser:
Solano tax payers should be more careful with how their city council members financially support Solano Economic Development. This is because Solano Economic Development then intern funds Solano Center for Business Innovation. Solano Center for Business Innovation then indirectly makes it harder for Innovation Institute to find investors for lucrative nuclear safety patent applications that are greatly needed around the world. Innovation Institute spends too much time dealing with government red tape, and Fairfield city's broken promises. This is already on top of fees that can run over $100,000 just to properly file documents into the US Patent Office which turns a profit from its high fees. At least the patent office is helping balance the deficit. How is local political favoritism helping Solano and the country?
Solano Business News has more discussions on how Solano government competes with local small businesses in other fields. Nothing in the blog or links are warranted. Solano technological R&D, plus economic development are important, but all too easily influenced by special interests. This might be one reason Governor Jerry Brown wants to cut back funding questionable economic development organizations?
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Solano special interest politics isn't always friendly. Nothing seems to have changed regarding the green tech news here.